
Plan B Scheiss Auf Plan A

Plan B: Scheiß auf Plan A is 2016 German language martial arts activeness comedy, directed by Ufuk Genc and Michael Popescu, and starring Tin can Aydin, Cha-Lee Yoon, Phong Giang and Eugene Boateng.

Can, Phong, Cha and U-Gin are all-time friends and at the same time the nearly unsuccessful activity star wannabes this side of Hollywood. But when they unexpectedly become a casting call falling on their laps, information technology becomes the very last run a risk to finally show what they are really capable off.

The only problem is that their amanuensis U-Gin reversed the address, so that instead of walking into a movie gear up of their dreams they run into a troupe of tough gangsters who take Phong earnest and send the others on a relentless treasure chase in order to free their friend, entangling them in a complex conspiracy to dethrone the kingpin of Berlin's underworld.

Plan B: Scheiß auf Plan A provides examples of:

  • All There in the Script: The blonde who beats up Tin and Cha at the strip society remains nameless in the film, but she is credited as "Lodge Dominate".
  • Basement-Dweller: Can still lives with his mother, something the others are all too happy to remind him when he starts talking downward to them.
  • Big Bad: Gabriel, the undisputed dominate of the Berlin criminal world. The aim of almost all heroes and villains in the story is to take him downward.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Boil is an unhinged psycho who wants to have over as kingpin of Berlin by usurping Gabriel. Withal, he is too psycho and too dumb to realize Victoria is manipulating him into doing the dirty work for her.
  • Blackmail: The key to Gabriel's criminal empire is a safe total of incriminating textile on powerful politicians, prosecutors, businessmen and the like. Nobody can afford to piss him off or stop working for him.
  • Captured on Purpose: Victoria spread rumors almost Gabriel's safe and allowed herself to exist captured past Eddy in society to get him to practise the heavy lifting in locating the safe.
  • Complexity Addiction: Gabriel'southward scheme to go on his safe full of blackmail material subconscious is extremely convoluted and needlessly complicated. So much then that when the scenario information technology was designed to forbid actually happened, the entire thing came within a hair'south breath of completely collapsing.
  • Conservation of Ninjutsu: Any fourth dimension the heroes go up against large numbers of mooks, the demolish them with ease. Simply every time they get into a one-on-one fight they go through a meat grinder and are barely able to prevail.
  • Cowboy Cop: Kopp has this reputation in the department, although information technology is more of an Informed Attribute in the film proper.
  • Nighttime Action Girl:
    • The blonde Club Boss, who effortlessly beats the shit out of Can and Cha... at the same fourth dimension.
    • Victoria puts up a surprisingly decent fight against a wounded Phong.
  • Dirty Cop: Kopp'south new partner is in Gabriel's pocket. Then was the last ane, for that matter.
  • Elite Mooks: Two singled-out cases...
    • The Society Boss at the strip club, who wipes the flooring with Can and Cha.
    • Victoria's two main goons, who each get up against Can and Phong during the final fight.
  • Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: Information technology would seem that everyone in the Berlin underworld is a adept martial creative person, as fifty-fifty a stripper busts out Kung Fu to fight our heroes.
  • Forced Meme: Can spends the entire movie trying to make "Y'all're a affliction... and I'm the cure." into his own catchphrase, but nobody plays forth or cares. It doesn't help that he stole it from a movie.
  • Gambit Pileup: By the movie's climax, no less than three gambits take crashed into each other, with the protagonists stuck firmly in the middle.
  • Genre Throwback: To the 1980's activeness movies.
  • Indy Ploy: the whole betoken of the movie every bit the heroes are thrust into a situation they have no thought how to get out of and have to make everything up as they go along. It fifty-fifty in the title, which translates as "Plan B: Fuck Program A".
  • Information technology Began with a Twist of Fate: The only reason the protagonists get involved with a power dispute among the Berlin criminal underworld is because 1 of them writes down the number in a an address every bit 96 instead of 69.
  • Information technology's Personal:
    • Kopp has been trying to put Gabriel backside bars for the last 20 years, and their enmity has become very personal to him.
    • Can develops a personal beef with Eddy'south principal mook because said mook stole Tin can'due south memento from his father.
  • Interchangeable Asian Cultures: Hilariously subverted when the guys demand to talk their way through a Chinese warehouse in the docks. The lady in charge only speaks Chinese, but Cha has no idea what she is saying because he is Korean.
  • The Load: Unlike his friends, U-Gin can't fight at all and for virtually of the movie he does cipher only complicate things for them.
  • Mexican Collision: At the end of the movie there'southward a three manner standoff between Gabriel, Victoria and Kopp, with the heroes stuck in the eye. It ends in a Boom Out.
  • The Mole:
    • Boil'south main mook is working for Victoria.
    • Kopp'southward new partner is working for Gabriel.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Gabriel decides that the all-time mode to deal with the guys raiding the places where the clues are subconscious is to tip off the police. This ends up existence his undoing every bit it tips off Kopp about what is going on and allows him to be nowadays for the final confrontation and kill Gabriel.
  • Ane-Man Ground forces: Despite being only stuntmen and aspiring deportment stars, Tin can, Phong and Cha are each near unstoppable fighting machines who can beat up multiple opponents unmarried-handed.
  • Shout-Out: The movie is a dearest alphabetic character to The '80s, and features several references to action movies from that decade, as well as others:
    • For the audition, the guys all dress similar movie characters: Can as "Cobra" Cobretti, Phong equally Marty McFly, Cha'south jacket is modeled on Bruce Lee's iconic yellow track suit, and U-Gin's outfit resembles Michael Jackson's getup from Thriller.
    • Ane of the chapters in the moving-picture show is titled Large Trouble in Little Istambul.
    • Equally part of their search, the guys have to go to a cemetery and visit the grave of 1 Frederic Krueger.
    • Can often repeats the mantra Alive for zilch or die for something.
    • Detective Robert Kopp is nicknamed by the other policemen every bit RoboCop. And who tin blame them?
  • Spanner in the Works: The heroes derail anybody's plans the minute the walk in to the wrong address.
  • Steven Ulysses Perhero: The master constabulary officer in the movie has the surname Kopp.
  • Villainous Rescue: Just equally Victoria is about to kill Kopp and the boys, Gabriel shoots her dead from behind.
  • Wacky Wayside Tribe: While looking for the coordinates in the cemetery, U-Gin is abducted past a cult of some sort and Can and Cha have to fight them to costless him. Cha in detail has to fight the cult leader. But said cult has zip whatsoever to practice with the main story and they're never referenced after.
  • Wrongful Accusation Insurance: When the cops finally catch up with Can, Cha and U-Gin, they specifically inform the guys that in the form of the day they've committed 24 counts of assail, vehicular theft and didn't pay for the champagne at the strip gild. However, Kopp later lets them go and doesn't charge them for any of these crimes.


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